Sunday, February 1, 2009

Welcome, Michael Steele!

As of January 30, 2009, the Republicans have a new Chairman for the RNC. Michael Steele is a hopeful Republican leader attempting to bring change to the GOP. By no means does this man have the popularity of the current president, but we as Republicans can now look at Michael Steele in an attempt to rebuild our party. Since not everyone knows Michael Steele as well as other prominent figures, here is a glimpse at the RNC Chairman, Michael Steele:

1. Michael was born on October 19, 1958 at Andrews Air Force Base in Prince George's County, Maryland.

2. He was adopted into a democratic family, but turned toward the Republican party in the days of Ronald Reagan (with special thanks to his mother).

3. Has a law degree from Georgetown University Law Center and a bachelor's degree in International Relations from Johns Hopkins University.

4. Considered becoming a priest.

5. Became the Lieutenant Governor in January 2003, becoming the first black elected statewide official in Maryland (Burton, 2008).

6. Lost the 2006 Senate election to Ben Cardin (D).

7. Has a consistent voting record against embryonic stem cell research (On the Issues, 2009).

This new official may seem like he is attempting to ride the coattails of President Obama, but looking at his history he has been established and in the political scene for several years. Feel free to look up more about Michael Steele as we hope to see more of him in the future!

Burton, Danielle. 10 Things You Didn't Know About Michael Steele. U.S. News & World Report,, April 7, 2008.

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