Monday, February 23, 2009

The Promise to Make a Difference

The Oscars, killer chimps, and the size of Jessica Simpson have topped the headlines for the past week, but Hollywood hoopla cannot cover the infectious news of the "financial crisis." One of these headlines is noteworthy:

"Obama vows to halve massive budget deficit by 2013"

Not even considering the fact that he has to be re-elected to make it to 2013, major issues develop with this declaration. How can he halve a budget that is spending so much money? Saving is not a part of the plan, the creation of new jobs is not part of the plan-even the spending on domestic inventory is not part of the plan.

To claim you are going to accomplish something, and not back it up with actions that support the claim, makes you a hypocrite. I am in no way of claiming that President Obama is a hypocrite--that is neither my position or my motive. I am, however, insisting that Americans compare a politician's words with their actions and see where their allegiances truly lie.

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