Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lead by Example

I have been disgusted with celebrities who use their interview minutes to mock and complain about the current president. I have reached the extent that I change the channel, and sometimes it lingers long enough that I cannot watch the shows they star in without having angst inside.

President-elect Barack Obama was not my choice for president. It was not because of his race or the flaming arrows of terrorism that the Republican party threw at him, but because of our staunch differences on some key issues. I experienced some emotional times as I questioned where I stood in these political lines: do I join the forces of Oprah and the other Obama supporters and weep with joy that I have witnessed history, or do I blow up in rage and blame Obama's win on his insane spending in advertising?

I am choosing the middle. I have not jumped for joy as there are several issues that he could decide on that could begin to destroy our country. However, I cannot and WILL not lash out in anger. Furthermore, I will not be bashing my new president-elect as I have heard about the president of the past eight years. I do not wish him ill- actually, quite the opposite. I hope that he has much success, and we can see our country grow for the better. Does that mean I cannot question decisions, and fight to change prevailing issues that could hurt our country--absolutely not, that is my right as an American. Thank goodness we live in the land of the free, the home of the brave, and the place where we are free to have our own ideas and convictions. I can question. I can speculate. But I will be supporting our president-elect and praying that he makes the right decisions for our country.

May God bless America.

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