Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Can we comeback in 2012?

2012 is four years away, but the damage done to the Republican party has been detrimental to our progress. The economy, the war in Iraq, and multitudes of hateful comments regarding the current president have tainted the party and made the waters of our stream murky and impossible to wade through successfully.

We are strong. Period. The hits we have had can only make us stronger. Because we were defeated during this past election, this does not mean that our hope is gone. Neither does it mean that we cannot overcome our shortcomings and mold the America that our forefathers died for and the same America that we want our children to possess as they reach their golden years. We have the potential to comeback, but what will have to happen in the next four years to bring conservatives back to the leadership positions that will hold our values must distinguish us from the liberal left. We do NOT need to reach across the aisles and straddle the fence- we will appear weak. We must NOT be lukewarm in our convictions and our steps must be sure. In our uncertainty do we become weak, and in our mediocrity are we defeated.

For those conservatives who have hope for our future, but do not know the next step: Be confident, Be strong, Stand up for what is right and do not waver. Don't blast Democrats. Get the word out about the Republican message.

United we stand. Divided we crumble to the ground. Don't let a 150 year party slip away.

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