Monday, November 24, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Will She or Won't She?

Whether or not Hillary Clinton takes the position of Secretary of State, or whether or not Obama wants to offer her that position, is still being speculated. Some sources say that she has all but accepted it, while others say that she would be foolish to even consider sacrificing the freedom. Time and patience will be the key to finding out the ending to this mystery, but the curiosity is getting to some.

Bill Richardson, Tim Geithner, and Hillary Clinton have been names tossed around for positions coming up, and the answers are waiting to come. Hopefully the choices will be made on what's best for the country and what will mold the country to do better.

The Democrats are getting the powerful positions. The Democrats are preparing to lead this country down the path that they have wanted to take, and while Republicans may not be happy with the thought of being "ousted" from Main Street, Washington, this is their time. Let them have it. Hope for the best. This is an uncertain time still for Republicans, but the manner that the GOP handles this transition will shape the party immensely.

If Hillary Clinton does receive the position of Secretary of State, may she be ready at 3:00 a.m. when the country needs her.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Political Satire: How does it Affect the Republicans?

News circulated that the success of the democratic party had to do with political satire on late night television...also known as Saturday Night Live. The crushing accusations of John McCain having a strong affiliation with George W. Bush (thanks to the Will Ferrell impression of George W. Bush), the infamous resemblance of former cast member Tina Fey with Sarah Palin, and the admission that Chevy Chase purposefully made Gerald Ford look foolish because of his support for Jimmy Carter all topped media news as ammunition for the network's political affiliation.

While these infiltrated the minds of SNL viewers, these sketches cannot be blamed for the Republican downfall. Political satire (particularly that of SNL) attempts to draw out actual tendencies of people and exaggerate them for the sake of humor. This was done with Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi (her attitude during the Bailout announcement), and Bill Clinton (the MSNBC interview) in the same manner that the Republicans were beaten.

Sarah Palin. She was a media sensation. She was constantly the focus of media attention and to places like SNL, she was a gold mine for sketch comedy. Brian Kilmeade and several felt like Sarah Palin was sandbagged and slaughtered during her cameo appearance of SNL. While many would agree that there was negativity in her portrayal and made to look foolish, this is part of the REPUBLICAN problem.

When democrats attack us, we cannot be defeated. Being able to laugh at ourselves, not seeming like we are a group of old-crochety men, and staying focused on our message, will help the unfair shots at our stance and morals. Unfairness in political satire will always infiltrate the media. We must be stronger than it. And, in the words of Barack Obama, "YES, we can!"

Thursday, November 13, 2008

On the Bookshelf

Here is a current list of booksthat I am reading. I do not agree with the philosophies of all of these books, but sometimes I want an opinion from the other side. It helps me to keep perspective and ferments my beliefs that I have formed and developed.

The Reagan Diaries, Ronald Reagan

Fleeced, Dick Morris

Let Freedom Ring, Sean Hannity

Right is Wrong, Arianna Huffington

Slander, Ann Coulter

Crazies to the Left of Me, Wimps to the Right, Bernard Goldberg

The Case Against Hillary Clinton, Peggy Noonan

Now, Let Me Tell You What I Really Think, Chris Matthews

Different opinions give us greater perspective. What are you reading?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Oh, Just so you know...

John McCain is on Jay Leno as I write this (who I love-I have no idea if Jay Leno is a Republican, but I love him no matter what!) and McCain is being such a good sport!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Can we comeback in 2012?

2012 is four years away, but the damage done to the Republican party has been detrimental to our progress. The economy, the war in Iraq, and multitudes of hateful comments regarding the current president have tainted the party and made the waters of our stream murky and impossible to wade through successfully.

We are strong. Period. The hits we have had can only make us stronger. Because we were defeated during this past election, this does not mean that our hope is gone. Neither does it mean that we cannot overcome our shortcomings and mold the America that our forefathers died for and the same America that we want our children to possess as they reach their golden years. We have the potential to comeback, but what will have to happen in the next four years to bring conservatives back to the leadership positions that will hold our values must distinguish us from the liberal left. We do NOT need to reach across the aisles and straddle the fence- we will appear weak. We must NOT be lukewarm in our convictions and our steps must be sure. In our uncertainty do we become weak, and in our mediocrity are we defeated.

For those conservatives who have hope for our future, but do not know the next step: Be confident, Be strong, Stand up for what is right and do not waver. Don't blast Democrats. Get the word out about the Republican message.

United we stand. Divided we crumble to the ground. Don't let a 150 year party slip away.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Republican Rebellion

Since the election last week, workers with the McCain campaign have made allegations pertaining to Sarah Palin being a diva. The unnamed sources would speak of her demands and refusal to listen to guidance, without forgetting to mention that she is responsible for McCain losing the election. This has made national news and put a damper on the Republican party.

Now is not the time for pointing fingers. Now is not the opportunity to break our unity and make our leaders seem incapable. We must unite and it must be done now. We must stand by the leaders that our country elected and we must stop pointing fingers. We have to fight for our country and their decisions. The rebuilding and the growth of the Republican party will take time and we need leadership to ensure that we get back on track. But we will get back on track and one day we will see that we have rebuilt our alliance and are standing strong together to keep our country in line with the ideas of our founding fathers. Now is the time to be one nation.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lead by Example

I have been disgusted with celebrities who use their interview minutes to mock and complain about the current president. I have reached the extent that I change the channel, and sometimes it lingers long enough that I cannot watch the shows they star in without having angst inside.

President-elect Barack Obama was not my choice for president. It was not because of his race or the flaming arrows of terrorism that the Republican party threw at him, but because of our staunch differences on some key issues. I experienced some emotional times as I questioned where I stood in these political lines: do I join the forces of Oprah and the other Obama supporters and weep with joy that I have witnessed history, or do I blow up in rage and blame Obama's win on his insane spending in advertising?

I am choosing the middle. I have not jumped for joy as there are several issues that he could decide on that could begin to destroy our country. However, I cannot and WILL not lash out in anger. Furthermore, I will not be bashing my new president-elect as I have heard about the president of the past eight years. I do not wish him ill- actually, quite the opposite. I hope that he has much success, and we can see our country grow for the better. Does that mean I cannot question decisions, and fight to change prevailing issues that could hurt our country--absolutely not, that is my right as an American. Thank goodness we live in the land of the free, the home of the brave, and the place where we are free to have our own ideas and convictions. I can question. I can speculate. But I will be supporting our president-elect and praying that he makes the right decisions for our country.

May God bless America.