Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It's a Wonderful Life

One of the greatest Christmas movies of all time is It's A Wonderful Life. In all of the decades that have past since the 1940s movie, no other movie can top the timeless message of George Bailey. He was at the lowest of the low-unsure of the next step and doubtful of his future. He found nothing left in his life to live for, and is so consumed with his own self-pity that he was willing to take his own life.

Even when he is back from his adventure of seeing life without him, he is very grateful for his situation-joyful for his deaf ear, not dismayed of his financial woes, and jumping from the rafters at each friend he passes. He was a man in pain of his current position in life. He couldn't see past his situation to find his meaning in life. When he saw how his life affected others in such a positive way, he wouldn't have taken it back in a heartbeat.

2008 has been a challenging year. Whether it be painful financial difficulties, the breaking election news, or the many other downfalls that this life has had to offer, there are still boundless things to be thankful for. It may be friendships, grace, or a the simplest of things that has gotten us through the year. We will never know until we reach the other side how we have impacted this earth. If we had that opportunity, maybe we would be able to see that we really had a Wonderful Life.

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